Stephen Chow shuffles like a Mongkok street sweeper as he leads me through his Hong Kong offices. He"s so subdued that for a moment I wonder what"s happened to the manic Chow of films like Fight Back to School and All for the Winner. But then the diminutive actor-comedian-writer-director laughs his movie laugh, mouth open like a jack-o"-lantern, eyes sparkling and nearly rolling out of his head, body leaning forward just enough to draw you in on the joke the happy joke that"s at the heart of his career: "Can you believe where I am?"
(周星驰 亚洲英雄 周星驰像街上的清洁工一样慢吞吞地走着。这时,他正带着我前往他在**的办公室。周星驰是那样的专注,以至于我不知道会发生什么事情,就好像周星驰的描绘狂躁者的影片《逃学威龙》的情景一样。然而,就在这个时候,小个子演员、滑稽明星、作者、导演正像他的影片一样,周星驰开怀大笑起来。他的嘴巴张得很大,就像**万圣节家家门口摆放的杰克灯一样。他的眼睛炯炯有神,似乎要离开他的头部一样。他的身体向前倾斜,足以让你参加他的玩笑。这种欢乐的玩笑就是他的演艺生涯的核心。周星驰马上问道:“你能够相信我今天取得的成就吗?” )
Chow certainly doesn"t seem to believe it, but success speaks for itself. His brand of lowbrow comedies which mix dizzying verbal word play, banana-peel pratfalls and kung fu (think the Marx Brothers with jump kicks) are wildly popular with Asian audiences. His 2001 film, Shaolin Soccer, was Hong Kong"s highest-grossing Chinese movie of all time,taking in nearly $46 million Asia-wide, and is also set to be released in the U.S. this August by Miramax. Chow"s star turns have included five of the other biggest box-office hits in Hong Kong history. "I wanted to capture the mass audience from the start," he says. Mission accomplished.
(周自己似乎不敢相信 *民区走出了小星星 周星驰的品牌就是他表演出来的各种失态的动作,与令人混乱的的玩笑;被剥落的***滑倒,屁股摔在地上;各种**功夫动作融合在一起。而这一切在亚洲电影观众中非常有市场。周星驰2001年出品的影片《少林足球》是**票房最高的华语影片,在亚洲的票房达到了4600万美元。今年8月,《少林足球》将由今年***奖的最大赢家米拉马克斯影业公司翻译出品,在**全国放映。周星驰的另外5部星级影片也曾创造了**影片的票房纪录。周星驰说:“我希望从一开始就抓住大批观众。”现在,周星驰的使命完成了。)
In films, Chow usually plays the fool but almost always gets the girl. Moviegoers swallow the conceit and cheer, because "Little Stevie," as he is known to fans, is one of them. "Acting is my job, and directing and producing," Chow says. "But it"s only a job. Besides that I"m just like anyone else."
If Hong Kong has a Charlie Chaplin, he"s it. The 40-year-old Chow started off as the lint in society"s navel but has pulled himself up through wit, will and a keen appreciation for the cinematic uses of insanity. After growing up impoverished in working-class Kowloon, he tried to break into acting at age 19 by auditioning for a training course run by a local TV station. Knowing his height might be a problem he"s dubiously listed at 1.73 meters he bought an expensive pair of elevator shoes. The judges never gave him a second glance. "At that time the concept of a star has got to be somebody tall like Chow Yun-fat," he says. "Someone like me on the TV or the screen is impossible."
(如果说**有查理·卓别林的话,那就是周星驰。现在40岁的周星驰是从**社会的底层开始起步的。但是,周星驰依靠他自己的智慧、意志以及对于电影事业的执著的热爱,机遇和观众的爱好,获得了成功。周星驰自小生长在九龙的贫穷的工人阶级住宅区。周星驰19岁时,**一家电视台开办了一个表演训练班。周星驰知道他的1.73米身高可能成为考试及格的障碍,他就花钱买了一双价格不菲的高跟鞋。然而,周星驰进入演艺界的努力还是没有取得成功。考官就看了他一眼就决定让他回家了。对此,周星驰说:“那个时候,人们对于明星的概念就是像周润发一样的猛男,像我这样的人出现在电视荧屏或者银幕上根本不可能。” )
Denied access through the show-biz front door, Stephen Chow probed the side entrances. An actress friend secured him a place in a less serious night time acting class ("a lot of people my size were studying there" unlike in the full-time course, Chow says)。 That led to a job co-hosting a popular children"s TV show with future art-film icon Tony Leung Chiu-wai. It was a comedown for Chow, who had once told his mother he wanted to grow up to be either a kung fu master or a thespian. "I was someone who kept talking about method acting and Al Pacino or Robert De Niro," Chow says. "One of my friends said, "Yeah, your point is very good and you know a lot, but unfortunately you"re a children"s show host." And that was true, and it hurt."
The six-year sentence he spent amusing kiddies was not wasted. Children"s shows proved an ideal outlet for his brand of mo lei tau (nonsense) talk and toilet humor. He worked his way into other TV roles; they led to his first movie part, in the 1988 film Final Justice, for which he won the Best Supporting Actor honor at ******"s Golden Horse Awards. "It was like, finally I got it," Chow says. In demand, Chow started pumping out 10 or more bankable comedies a year. Still, by the time he began work on Shaolin Soccer, Chow was starting to worry that his movies were getting stale. "The ones I make before are not that good," he says, shaking his head, "so this one I think, it"s gotta be great or I"ll die!" Needless to say, he survived.
(然而,周星驰当了六年孩子王并没有让他白白浪费光阴。事实证明,儿童电视剧为他的胡言乱语和卫生间幽默的表演品牌提供了用武之地。周星驰在此期间担任了众多的电视角色。这导致他1988年第一次参加电影的拍摄,在《霹雳先锋》中担任配角。这部影片使得周星驰获得了**金马奖的最佳男配角奖。周星驰说:“这部影片标志着,我的努力没有白搭。我的目标终于实现了。”此后,片约如雪片似的纷至沓来。一年之内,周星驰参加10多部喜剧片的拍摄,票房获得了成功。等到周星驰拍摄《少林足球》时, 他开始担心,他的影片总是老一套,没有什么新玩意儿。周星驰讲到这里时,摇了摇头说道:“我以前拍过的某些影片并不怎么样。因此,我想,我一定拍出一部伟大的影片,否则的话,我不如死!”无须说,周星驰逃过了这一死。)
For a dedicated populist whose slapstick comedic antics have included chewing a condom like a piece of gum and suspending a string of gleaming mucus from his nose while sucking face with screen goddess Karen Mok, Chow has earned some highbrow praise. Asiaphile director Quentin Tarantino has called him the best actor working in Hong Kong, while film critic Shelly Kracier, editor of the Chinese Cinema Digest, has written that Chow is a "genius." Genius or not, Chow is still as down-to-earth as an eager film extra. "He"s one of the kindest, most charming people on earth," says Dede Nickerson,Miramax"s Asia consultant, who helped Chow dub Shaolin Soccer into English for its U.S. cinema release. "He never compromises himself to the people around him."
(喜剧之王的幽默力量 作为一个****者,周星驰的影片当中充满了滑稽动作,比如闪闪发光的鼻涕在鼻孔里进进出出。然而,周星驰的滑稽表演受到了行家们的赞扬。著名电影导演昆廷·塔兰蒂诺认为,周星驰是**最优秀的演员。电影评论家、《**电影文摘》主编谢利·克拉谢尔写道:周星驰是位表演天才。不论是不是天才,周星驰依然脚踏实地拍电影。米拉马克斯公司的亚洲顾问德德·尼克尔森说:“周星驰是世界上最和蔼可亲、最讨人喜欢的人。”正是尼克尔森帮助周星驰将《少林足球》翻译成英语,获得在**影院放映的机会。)
At a time when economically and epidemiologically challenged Hong Kong seems to be the butt of an endless series of cosmic put downs, the SARS-stressed masses need Chow"s brand of comedic escapism more than ever. "He can really help you cheer up," says Ruby Chan, a local fruit-juice vendor. "I can watch his movies again and again." Hong Kongers want to feel that they can take all the abuse the world is giving them and still bounce back with a rubbery smile just like a Stephen Chow hero. Not that the icon is without his critics. Like others in Hong Kong"s allegedly triad-ridden film industry, Chow has been accused of having underworld connections. He"s long disputed the charge and even participated in a famous celebrity protest march against triad involvement in cinema, but in August 2001 he was rejected for residency in Canada after a lengthy fight on the grounds of alleged triad associations.
(现在,**面临着严峻挑战。周星驰的喜剧影片似乎能够让人们暂时摆脱忧虑和痛苦。**的一位果汁商说:“周星驰的影片可以使你感到振奋,我能够一遍又一遍地观看周星驰的影片。”***认为,他们已经承受了世界上的所有苦楚,仍然以微笑面对,就像影片中的周星驰一样。当然,还是有人对于周星驰采取批评态度。与**电影业的其他人一样,周星驰一直被指责与***有联系。周星驰长期以来反对这种指责。为此,他甚至参加了一次反对***卷入电影业。 但是,2001年8月,***仍然拒绝了周星驰居住权的申请,尽管周星驰为了所谓的与***有联系进行了长期**。)
Chow has put that controversy behind him. At the height of his success, he remains mostly invisible off screen. You won"t find him making the scene at the Dragon-i bar with the rest of Hong Kong"s cinematic swells; his mug rarely appears in the city"s voracious tabloids. His offices are a pair of cluttered rooms in Kowloon that could easily pass for a fly-by-night travel agency, except for the myriad awards scattered like paper weights. "Yeah, I don"t really remember what that one is for," he says as I point to a statuette. Together we shuffle into another room, where his production company is celebrating a staff member"s birthday. Chow offers me a slice of chocolate cake, then fades into the background. When I look again, he"s gone. I imagine him escaping into the crowded streets of Kowloon, just an ordinary guy, with extraordinary talent.