妹子,你如果做个长久夫妻。这些东西就给你了!(Sister, we do a long married couple. These things to you!)
**,这手机太垃圾了,拿去,送你了!(Dame, this mobile phone too much garbage! Here give you the!)
哈?你没有钱?拿去卖了,值两三亿呢! (Huh? you have no money? And sell it, A value of two hundred million or three hundred million!)
只要这辈子都跟定我,我就把我旁边的车和手上的金锭全都送给你! (As long as you a lifetime with me, I will put my next to the car and hands of the ingot to you!)
这是我家院子里满地的破石头,我今日捡起一个送于你吧! (This is full of broken stone in my yard, i picked up a send to you today!)
西 嘉爺