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海贼王 套图

海贼王 套图 二次元 动漫

海贼王 套图图片专辑共18条记录  第1页
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  • 粉嘟嘟的剑穗子,女生才能用吧
  • 剑穗……可是没有剑呐
  • 考古人员在秦陵挖掘的宝剑,其剑到现在还是…


《△ 让我死在你梦里》

  • 58af2d0a575c11e3bd98126c9a75e18a_8
  • 图片
  • 潮狗



△http://www.topit.me/album/1408546 (后续1)

△http://www.topit.me/album/1803489 (后续2)

《水彩与拼贴的交集——Lynsey Hunter插画集》

  • Lynsey Hunter
  • 漫画手绘集锦
  • 插画

Lynsey Hunter
Leicester, England,
United Kingdom

Hi, my name is Lynsey. I am an Illustrator/Graphic artist, living in Leicestershire, England. I love to draw anything that inspires me, this is mostly any interesting architecture, old vehicles from vintage cars to scooters to butchers bikes and any other old bits and pieces I see of interest.

My designs use an eclectic mix of printed papers, quirky vintage imagery, old–fashioned fabrics, stitch work and my own style of linear drawing mixed with watercolours and collage.

My work is described as delicate and intricate needing closer inspection to see hidden imagery and raised surfaces. I try to create images that are refreshing, unusual and fun but are also high quality and stylish.

I am mainly influenced by vintage books, old advertising signs, architecture, little old shops tucked down alleyways, collected memorabilia and the unusual in everyday life. I like to discover interesting places and objects to draw in an unexpected way.



  • 谁是谁的终结者
  • 浅野啓介 keisuke asano (Japan)^^
  • 允我不及你幻


  • IN.
  • IN.
  • IN.



  • 久居深海
  • hey我是唐大鸟
  • 靑


《Taylor Swift》

  • 图片
  • 一曲茶爐暖色|
  • ℒღvℯ

大女神taylor swift~霉老板,最美霉霉~


  • 图片
  • 夏目

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