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曾经,有一份真挚的爱情... 相关标签



  • #十二星座系列插画# 蛇夫座(11月29日至12月…
十二星座插画系列,收集自@黄光剑 老师的微博。


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  • Zuhair Murad(祖海·慕拉)发布2016春夏高…


  • 闺蜜∞头像∞–128
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  • 《哈利·波特与密室》9.3分


  • 神乐乐
  • 神乐乐
  • 神乐乐

神乐为动漫《银魂》女主角,属于宇宙最强的战斗种族“夜兔族”。 因为在老家每顿只能吃调味粉拌饭,到了江户被**雇佣,因为厌恶而逃出时遇到了银时他们。为了存够回故乡的钱而在是在万事屋打工。



  • 东方神起,JYJ,TVXQ,TVfXQ,郑允浩,金在中,朴有天,金俊秀,沈昌珉
  • 东方神起,JYJ,TVXQ,TVfXQ,郑允浩,金在中,朴有天,金俊秀,沈昌珉
  • ❤


  • 幻想郷神事
  • Like
  • untitled


《【美】William B. MacGregor Jr. 插画集》

  • William B. MacGregor Jr.
  • William B. MacGregor Jr.
  • William B. MacGregor Jr.

William B. MacGregor Jr. was born in Medfield MA in 1947 and the son and grandson of Norfolk Hunt Club kennel masters. Bill is from a family of self taught artists, woodcarvers, and skilled automobile mechanics.
His love affair with cars began in 1964 when he bought his first car, a rusted green 1948 Dodge convertible. Today he owns a 1939 Ford Station Wagon, which he has owned since 1972 ,1955 Ford Crown Victoria with a glass roof, 1988 Chevrolet Station Wagon, and looking for a 1955 Chevy Nomad.
Bill is a graduate of Medfield High School, Wentworth Institute, Northeastern University, and McIntosh College (Phi Theta Kappa). My artwork is influenced by a passion for old cars and an engineering career which encompasses Civil Engineering & Surveying, major defense contractors, QC manager for thin-film optical coatings and a drafting consultant for WCVB-TV Channel 5. (A major Boston television station) Bill has recently retired as a Senior Engineer with Lockheed Martin is now a full time artist!

Bill now spends his free time as a self-taught artist in the junkyards and traveling to auto swap meets, art festivals and country fairs in the New England area.
His painting technique incorporates “old skool” mechanical and civil drafting techniques including ruling pens, leroy, inking the drawing and then completing it using watercolors, acrylics and gouache.


《女人的秒 男人的好⑧》

  • ♫ π春-3-12
  • **
  • 女人鞋


  • 在森林中存在着
  • tumblr_mg4aghq8Tu1qze8quo1_1280.jpg (1024×664)
  • 时光是琥珀

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