东山魁夷(1908-1999)(ひがしやま かいい Kaii Higashiyama) **风景画家、散文家。1908年7月生于横滨。原名新吉,画号魁夷。1931年毕业于东京美术学校。1934年留学德国,在柏林大学哲学系攻读美术史。其早年绘画作品《冬日三乐章》、《光昏》分别获得1939年第一回**画院展一等奖和1956年**艺术院奖。1969年获文化勋章和每日艺术大奖。1999年5月6日逝世。
其风景画以**写实的眼光捕捉**情调之美,善于表现未经现代文明污染的纯洁的大自然。他的作品在保持*面性的同时增强空间感,在装饰性中抒情寓意,格调高雅蕴藉,充满诗情哲理,透着淡淡的伤感。他对艺术理论、音乐有一定造诣,擅长散文。 作为**的一位著名画家,东山魁夷的名字对**的读者并不陌生。但对东山的文字,**的读者却很少接触,其实,他的文字成就也是令人瞩目的。他的散文集在**就很受欢迎,据说其散文在**与川端康成并称“双璧”。十四卷本的“东山魁夷的世界”,是他的诗文全集,并根据文字、装饰的需要配以适当的绘画作品,你会感到惊诧,一个画家的艺术品格通过文字即能传达得惟妙惟肖,真正达到了“诗为心声、画为心境”的审美境界,其文字魅力跃然纸上。
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我們在天上的父,願人皆尊祢的名為聖(Pater Noster qui in caelis es sanctificetur nomen tuum)。
願主賜予彼等永恆的安息,以不絕之光照耀祢的子民(Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine et lux perpetua luceat eis)。
願主聽聞吾人之祈禱(exaudi orationen mean)。一切生命,盡歸於主(ad te omnis caro venient)。
吾人之靈魂矣,當宜再度安息,皆因主將回報吾等(Concertere anima mea in requiem tuam, quia Dominus benefect tibi)。
願主賜予彼等永恆的安息,以不絕之光照耀祢的子民(Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine et lux perpetua luceat eis)。
輝耀天際之明月矣(Silberner Mond du am Himmelszelt,)。其光盈滿博愛,靜照世界萬物(strahlst auf uns nieder voll Liebe.)。
對地上交錯行進之人等(Still schwebst du über Wald und Feld,),每輒溫厚,關愛俯視(blickst auf der Menschheit Getriebe.)。
嗚呼,月矣(Oh Mond,)。切莫急促如此(verweile, bleibe,)。請願教示,吾愛伊人,今在何方(sage mir doch, wo mein Schatz weile.)。
流離天空之人矣,冀請傳言(Sage ihm, Wandrer im Himmelsraum,)。吾人時時刻刻,皆惦記伊人(ich würde seiner gedenken: mög' er,)。
嗚呼,冀請傳言。訴吾熱愛伊人如此(leucht ihm hell, sag ihm, dass ich ihn liebe.)。
伊人矣,汝若於夢中得見吾人(Sieht der Mensch mich im Traumgesicht,)。請與其幻,共相晤覺(wach' er auf, meiner gedenkend.)。
嗚呼,月矣。切莫行去。莫逃之急促如此(O Mond, entfliehe nicht, entfliehe nicht! Der Mond verlischt)。
願以其光,慈照伊人(verzaubert vom Morgentraum,)。 以其輝耀,令吾知悉伊人今在何方(seine Gedanken mir schenken.)。
嗚呼,月矣。切莫行去。莫逃之急促如此(O Mond, entfliehe nicht, entfliehe nicht! Der Mond verlischt)。
嗚呼,月矣。切莫急促如此。吾愛伊人,今在何方(Oh Mond, verweile, bleibe, sage mir doch, wo mein Schatz weile.)。
Arethusa arose
From her couch of snows
In the Acroceraunian mountains, --
From cloud and from crag,
With many a jag,
Shepherding her bright fountains.
She leapt down the rocks,
With her rainbow locks
Streaming among the streams; --
Her steps paved with green
The downward ravine
Which slopes to the western gleams;
And gliding and springing
She went, ever singing,
In murmurs as soft as sleep;
The Earth seemed to love her,
And Heaven smiled above her,
As she lingered towards the deep.
Then Alpheus bold,
On his glacier cold,
With his trident the mountains strook;
And opened a chasm
In the rocks--with the spasm
All Erymanthus shook.
And the black south wind
It unsealed behind
The urns of the silent snow,
And earthquake and thunder
Did rend in sunder
The bars of the springs below.
And the beard and the hair
Of the River-god were
Seen through the torrent's sweep,
As he followed the light
Of the fleet nymph's flight
To the brink of the Dorian deep.
'Oh, save me! Oh, guide me!
And bid the deep hide me,
For he grasps me now by the hair!'
The loud Ocean heard,
To its blue depth stirred,
And divided at her prayer;
And under the water
The Earth's white daughter
Fled like a sunny beam;
Behind her descended
Her billows, unblended
With the brackish Dorian stream: --
Like a gloomy stain
On the emerald main
Alpheus rushed behind, --
As an eagle pursuing
A dove to its ruin
Down the streams of the cloudy wind.
Under the bowers
Where the Ocean Powers
Sit on their pearled thrones;
Through the coral woods
Of the weltering floods,
Over heaps of unvalued stones;
Through the dim beams
Which amid the streams
Weave a network of coloured light;
And under the caves,
Where the shadowy waves
Are as green as the forest's night: --
Outspeeding the shark,
And the sword-fish dark,
Under the Ocean's foam,
And up through the rifts
Of the mountain clifts
They passed to their Dorian home.
And now from their fountains
In Enna's mountains,
Down one vale where the morning basks,
Like friends once parted
Grown single-hearted,
They ply their watery tasks.
At sunrise they leap
From their cradles steep
In the cave of the shelving hill;
At noontide they flow
Through the woods below
And the meadows of asphodel;
And at night they sleep
In the rocking deep
Beneath the Ortygian shore; --
Like spirits that lie
In the azure sky
When they love but live no more.