Here, I’d like to introduce another artist who uses recycled materials to create amazing artworks, that is Erika Iris Simmons. She is a self-taught artist who works with non-traditional media. Most of her materials have been discarded or donated at some point. Inspired by a philosopher’s description of how your spirit lives in your body, she started her way to create artworks by using unprepossessing common things. Erika Iris Simmons has made a number of portraits out of recycled cassette tapes, old film and reels, stopwatches and pieces of related pictures. She even carves on medley poker. Isn’t that crazy? and really amazing, I have to say. The following are some of her works, enjoy!
《Amazing Cassette Tape Artworks by Erika Simmons》图片专辑由51贴图网用户搜集整理,包括Amazing Cassette Tape Artworks by Erika Simmons,Amazing Cassette Tape Artworks by Erika Simmons,Amazing Cassette Tape Artworks by Erika Simmons,Amazing Cassette Tape Artworks by Erika Simmons,Amazing Cassette Tape Artworks by Erika Simmons,Amazing Cassette Tape Artworks by Erika Simmons,Amazing Cassette Tape Artworks by Erika Simmons,Amazing Cassette Tape Artworks by Erika Simmons,Amazing Cassette Tape Artworks by Erika Simmons,Amazing Cassette Tape Artworks by Erika Simmons等内容,《Amazing Cassette Tape Artworks by Erika Simmons》图片专辑素材来自用户自主上传以及投稿,欢迎浏览。轻松浏览各类图片、照片,尽在51贴图网。如果本站图片侵犯了您的版权,请来信告知,我们会及时处理和回复。 电脑版:Amazing Cassette Tape Artworks by Erika Simmons
西班牙 eva armisen
生活是一场旅程,我们都是时间的过客。岁月改变了我们的容颜,一成不变的是脚下走过的风景。 别害怕一个人的旅行,因为你有路边的风景。
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Amazing Cassette Tape Artworks by Erika Simmons专辑是由51贴图网网友自发整理的Amazing Cassette Tape Artworks by Erika Simmons相关图片合辑。其中Amazing Cassette Tape Artworks by Erika Simmons中的每张图片均由不同网友上传,Amazing Cassette Tape Artworks by Erika Simmons专辑由网友对站内图片整理而得。切记Amazing Cassette Tape Artworks by Erika Simmons专辑内所有图片版权归原作者所有,请勿将Amazing Cassette Tape Artworks by Erika Simmons专辑内图片用于任何商业用途。