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未命名专辑图片专辑共24条记录  第1页
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《Black and white》

  • 芭芭拉�帕尔文(Barbara Palvin)
  • 黑色更显五官立体的VV
  • 安妮海瑟薇,在2013年上演的歌剧电影《悲惨…


  • 浴室装修参考指南总有一款喜欢
  • 40*米简约单身公寓


  • Aya Tsai
  • 小肥猫 肉肚皮  铁蛋
  • 若你安好



  • 60‘加州极简**艺术
  • 60‘加州极简**艺术
  • 60‘加州极简**艺术


  • ❤❀怒放
  • untitled
  • 心水♥

《Honesty is such a lonely word》

  • -
  • Photographer Metin Demiralay
  • Photographer Metin Demiralay

Why Honesty is such a lonely word,
people can't be honest
because they used to be dishonest?
Or because protecting someone you love
so you can't be honest,
or because you have difficulties
so you can't be honest.

If you search for tenderness
It isn't hard to find
You can have the love you need to live

But if you look for truthfulness
You might just as well be blind
It always seems to be so hard to give

Honesty is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you

I can always find someone
To say they sympathize
If I wear my heart out on my sleeve

But I don't want some pretty face
To tell me pretty lies
All I want is someone to believe

Honesty is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you

I can find a lover
I can find a friend
I can have security
Until the bitter end
Anyone can comfort me
With promises again
I know, I know

When I'm deep inside of me
Don't be too concerned
I won't ask for nothing while I'm gone

But when I want sincerity
Tell me where else can I turn
'Cause you're the one that I depend upon

Honesty is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you


  • の
  • ╔╝他的生活
  • 露水安娜与海豚

《the place 。however》

  • 精挑细选
  • 12886237321964
  • 心很空 `` 天很大


  • 你说的我全都想听,你说的我全都相信②
  • 你说的我全都想听,你说的我全都相信。
  • ︶ε╰✿

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