Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
Robert Finale 浪漫写意..._RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
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RobertFinale浪漫写意油画作品 相关标签
很久以前,在花王国里,国王有五个女儿,她们是:牡丹公主、玫瑰公主、水仙公主、百合公主、最小的便是蒲公英。与四个姐姐相比,她没有牡丹的雍容华贵,少了玫瑰的鲜艳美丽,缺失水仙的清新淡雅,无法与百合的芬芳馥郁媲美,她只是最不起眼的淡而又淡的小花。后来,邻近的竹王国里,国王派使者前来求婚,四个姐姐跃跃欲试,只有蒲公英躲在角落里。虽然,她也很喜欢竹王子,可她却不敢露面。结果,牡丹和百合两位姐姐被选中,随使者而去,开始了她们的新生活。 但是,不久之后,竹王子得了一种怪病,浑身上下长满黄斑,如不及时治疗就会枯萎致死。要想治病必须去遥远的天山,采那冰峰上的雪莲才行。这时蒲公英不顾父王及母后的坚决反对,毅然决然的踏**艰难的征程。为了救回竹王子的生命,她不惜**自己的一切。 当她来到天山脚下时,遇到了守候雪莲的女巫,女巫告诉她:“你要拿走雪莲必须答应我一个条件,从此浪迹天涯,不能再回到花王国去。”为了自己挚爱的竹王子,蒲公英答应了女巫的条件。 竹王子因此得救了,蒲公英也因此开始了漂泊的生命历程。她的种子在风的吹拂下四处飘散,花儿开遍了大江南北,成为最最普通的路边野花……
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