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那 些 女 孩,り

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  • 这是一个系列【华丽欧式花纹】,一共10款,…

《海贼王one piece 不定时不断更新》

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  • 海贼王-one piece
  • op


<船长>:蒙奇.D.路飞 —— Monkey.D.Luffy :我要成为海贼王!!
<剑士>:罗洛亚.索隆 —— Roronoa.Zoro :我要成为大剑豪!
<航海士>:** —— Nami :我要画出全世界的地图!
<狙击手>:乌索布 —— Usopp : 我...我...我要成为勇敢的海上战士!
<厨师>:山治 —— Sanji :我要找到“all blue”!
<船医>:托尼·托尼·乔巴 —— Tony.Tony.Chopper:我为了成为出色的医生出来看外面的世界 .
<考古学家>:尼可·罗宾 —— Nico Robin:我要寻找真正的历史正文...
<船工>:弗兰奇 —— Franky:能看着自己造的梦之船穿越任何海洋!!
<音乐家>:布鲁克 —— Brook:活着回到拉布身边,完成约定!!哟嚯嚯嚯嚯!!
<海贼船>千之阳光号 —— Thousand Sunny:目标:海底的"乐园"!!跨越千之海的阳光之船!!
<曾经的...>黄金梅丽号 —— Going Merry :本想载大家到更远的地方,对不起,我好想永远和大家一起冒险,可是我...谢谢你们至今为止如此珍惜我,我真非常幸福...


《精選 ②》

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  • 精选 ❤
  • ღღ动漫

《**风 涵》

  • ゛
  • 小山重叠金明灭,鬓云欲度香腮雪。懒起画蛾眉,弄妆梳洗迟。   照花前后镜,花面交相映。新贴绣罗襦,双双金鹧鸪.

《来自masaki ryo的时尚插画》

  • masaki ryo
  • masaki ryo
  • masaki ryo

After graduating from Kanazawa Arts & Crafts University, Masaki worked at Yakult’s advertising department as a graphic designer for 9 years.

In 1993 Masaki started his career as a freelance illustrator. He drew everything from fruits to fashion, and his work reflected both an enthusiasm as well as a fascination with illustration in and of itself. Yet Masaki gradually became aware of the fact that his favorite themes were fashion and cosmetics – this seemed only natural as his father had been a tailor of women’s clothing and Masaki himself had spent time during his childhood playing with a sewing machine.

In 2000, Masaki introduced his new fashion paintings executed in his signature style - Masaki’s approach to illustration involves the use of painting knife and acrylic paint,which he will then adjusts digitally.

Branching away from his signature fashion illustrations, Masaki’s recent artwork has been inspired by his pet dog, a miniature schnauzer. His ability to capture the endearing and playful nature of our canine companions has caught many an eye and has earned the recognition of various clients including the renowned stationary company Caspari, Inc. They have released a line of products featuring Masaki’s illustrations, including but not limited to his artwork of dogs, which have been very popular in the US, Europe, and Japan.



  • 换不完的手机壁纸.
  • 换不完的手机壁纸.
  • 换不完的手机壁纸.


  • Train
  • Berry
  • 290e6905152fbc3a03088161


  • ⊹ Red 紅
  • O
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