I found God
on the corner of First and Amistad
Where the west
was all but won
All along
Smoking his last cigarette
I said, where've you been?
He said, ask anything.
Where were you?
When everything was 痝໔痞 ✑痜腱眇 畋̈थū थĀ 㺣眅 帉眅 Ѐ 瑖噭 謁诂थĀ 棰彿噮奋噮巫噮꼂뺲彿噮뺦塚噮뺲ꍈ噳 诂學噮漸噳圔噮诂圞噮 圭噮謁싚Wū ū扜画 ũ ̈थ䐺眅暼畋̈थū ̈थĀ 㺣眅̈थ 謁̌थ 䀷