1、大部分副词小品词(即与介词同形的副词)都可以用作表语(以下大写表示).Mary was DOWN with a slight fever.The light is still ON.I'll be ALONG in a minute.Are the Children BACK yet?H'll be ROUND this afternoon.Are you THROUGH (with your work)?Is Staley ABOUT?He hid the jewels when nobody was BY.The storm was OVER before the morning.He isn't UP yet?Her office is just ABOVE.His leave is UP tomorrow.We're BEHIND in our plan.I must be OFF now.
3、提高介词与副词的区别介词后面直接跟名词或名词短语作宾语,所以经常有介宾短语的说法副词后面不直接跟名词或名词短语作宾语,没听说过副宾短语的,例:1)in the room(in是介词)2)Come in.(in是副词)3)get on the bus(on是介词)4)Come on.(on是副词)
随心一句: 只要你一向在我身边,其他东西不再重要。
随心一句: 母亲节,我的祝福送妈妈:祝福您***安一辈子,祝福您幸幸福福一辈子,祝福您快快乐乐一辈子,我会爱您一辈子!祝妈妈节日快乐!