Dimdimsum Brand Design : Dimdimsum is a Hong Kong – originated dimsum shop located in Taipei. The visual design combines traditional elements and modern design techniques to interpret the brand, i.e., the combination of traditions and creations makes dims
Dimdimsum Brand Design : Dimdimsum is a Hong Kong – originated dimsum shop located in Taipei. The visual design combines traditional elements and modern design techniques to interpret the brand, i.e., the combination of traditions and creations makes dims
Dimdimsum Brand Design : Dimdimsum is a Hong Kong – originated dimsum shop located in Taipei. The visual design combines traditional elements and modern design techniques to interpret the brand, i.e., the combination of traditions and creations makes dims
Osaka : Osaka 心斋桥 道顿堀
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Fairy Tale Character Badges (Game Show Network), Stephan McGowan : A few of the character badges I did for graphics the Game Show Network.
BY MARIA - Promotonial Poster : Two color risograph promotional poster commissioned by Pepinos BY MARIA, Printed in A3 Press, Santiago de Chile.
百草味:#年货十三姨# GIF动画海报-craboy-dpcool店铺酷
淘宝:12.12家书 H5网站,来源自黄蜂网http://woofeng.cn/